Privacy Policy

We respect your privacy and, by the legislation (Personal Data Protection Act ZVOP-2,
Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia No. 94/07, and GDPR), we carry out all activities
to protect and ethically handle your data.

Owner and operator of the website
- Company name: ELKO elektroinštalacije in kovinarstvo d.o.o.
- Registered office: Kobilj 4L, 6222 Štanjel
- Phone: (+386) 41 509 799
- Email:
The website does not collect your data except when you allow it, which may be when:
- you submit an online form. We process your data solely for the purposes you provided to

Use and purpose of data storage and processing:
We store and process personal data for business communication and maintaining customer
contact. Suppose you have voluntarily indicated that we may inform you about new
developments in our company. In that case, we reserve the right to send periodic updates
via email, SMS, or regular mail.

We only store information that you provide to us via the form, which may include the
- Name,
- Last name,
- Email address,
How long do we keep the data?
We will keep your data until you cancel.

Right to information and withdrawal of consent You can request to see what personal data
we hold about you at any time by emailing our email address or by post to our registered
office, or you can call us by telephone.
You may withdraw your consent to the further use of your data at any time by sending this
request to our email address or by ordinary post to our registered office. Once we have
received your withdrawal consent, we will delete your data within 15 working days.